There are this many beats per measure when in standard 4:4 time.
What are 4 beats per measure.
The note that is a major second interval from C is known as.
What is the note D.
This major key signature has no sharps and no flats.
What is the C major key signature.
This minor key signature has no sharps and no flats.
What is the a minor key signature.
This specific major chord is known as.
What is an E major chord.
4 quarter notes make up a complete measure for this standard time signature is being used.
What is 4:4 time.
There are this many semitones in a perfect fourth.
What is 5 semitones in a perfect fourth.
This major key signature has one sharp only.
What is the G major key signature.
This minor key signature has two flats.
What is the g minor key signature.
This specific major chord is known as.
What is a C major chord
2 quarter notes make up a complete measure for this standard time signature is being used.
What is 2:4 time.
There are this many semitones in a perfect octave.
What is 12 semitones in a perfect octave.
This major key signature has 4 sharps.
What is the E major key signature.
This minor key signature has one sharp.
What is the e minor key signature.
The name of this minor chord is.
What is an A minor chord
2 half notes make up a complete measure for this standard time signature is being used.
What is 2:2 time.
This note is the perfect fifth starting from the C note.
What is the note G.
This major key signature has 3 flats.
What is the Eb major key signature.
This minor key signature has 5 flats.
What is the b flat minor key signature.
The name of this specific major chord is.
What is a G major chord.
This symbol is used to represent this time signature.
What is cut time siganture.
There are this many semitones in a major sixth.
What is 8 semitones in a major sixth.
The name of this specific major key signature is known as.
The name of this specific minor key signature is known as.
What is the G-sharp minor key signature.
The name of this specific chord consisting of a triad plus a note.
What is a G7 chord.