To play soft.
What is piano?
The lines where the notes are placed.
What is the staff?
The marking that says to play the note one step up.
What is a sharp?
To hold the note for its full length
What is a tenuto?
The composer who wrote Fur Elise.
Who is Ludwig Van Beethoven?
To play loud.
What is Forte?
The marking that says to play the note one step down.
What is a flat?
A dot under the note that tells you to play detached.
What is staccato?
To play a note more forcefully than the rest.
What is an accent?
The composer who wrote Rondo Alla Turca.
Who is Mozart?
To gradually get louder.
What is crescendo?
A curve that tells you to play smooth.
What is legato?
The numbers that tell you how fast to play.
What is the time signature?
To hold the indicated notes.
What is a Fermata?
The composer who wrote Clair de Lune.
Who is Claude Debussy?
To gradually get softer.
What is decrescendo?
The sign that tells you to stop.
What is a coda?
The sign that tells you to go to the beginning and stop at a certain point.
What is D.C. al Fine?
To play a note or set of notes much harder than the rest.
What is a marcato?
The composer wrote Nocturne op.9 No.2.
Who is Fredric Chopin?
To suddenly play loud
What is sforzando?
The sign that tells you to go back to the beginning.
What is Da Capo?
The sign that tells you to slide up or down a certain amount
What is a glissando?
To play gradually louder and louder.
What is Rinforzando?
The composer who wrote Toccata in C minor.
Who is J.S. Bach?