What is the saying for the 5 lines for a bass clef
Great Big Dogs Fight Animals
What is the saying for the 5 lines in a treble clef
Every Good Boy Does Fine
How many beats does a sixteenth note have
Is a flute part of the woodwinds
What is the saying for the 4 spaces in the bass clef
All Cows Eat Grass
What is the saying for the 4 spaces in a treble clef. Letter form
How many beats does a dotted quarter note have
1 1/2 beat
Is a trombone a woodwind
going up from the bottom, which letter is on the third line
At the top what is th note that is above the line.
How many beats does a dotted half have
3 beats
Is saxophone part of the woodwind family?
Going down from the top, which letter is in the 4th space
In the treble clef lines, what the letter at the top not touching the line. hint( its a circle with a line through it)
How many beats does a whole note have
4 beats
The violin is part of the woodwinds. TRUE Or FALSE
Which letter is on the note at the bottom that touches the line
What is the letter at the bottom line.
How many beats does a thirty second note have
1/8 beat
What is the hardest instrument in the woodwinds to mistake as another family
The oboe