The name for rhythm syllable "ta-o".
What is a half note?
The Italian word for using your bow.
What is arco?
Note name: top line note in bass clef.
What is an A?
We use this to tighten or loosen our bows.
What is an adjusting screw?
You use this to check the pitch of your strings everyday.
What is a tuner?
A note that is 3 beats long.
What is a dotted half note?
The speed (how fast or how slow) of a piece.
What is a tempo?
This note is the 3rd line note in alto clef.
What is C?
Instead of buttons, cellos have this at the bottom of their instrument.
What is an end pin?
This is Ms. Aoyama's main instrument.
What is a flute?
Music math: whole + half + quarter + half + eighth + eighth= ?
What is 10?
Numbers like 3/4, 4/4, 2/4 represents this.
What is time signature?
There are alto clefs, treble clefs, and ... clef.
What is bass clef?
The opposite end of the tip where you hold the bow.
What is a frog?
This is made out of tree sap.
What is rosin?
Musical notation for 4 beats of silence.
What is a whole rest?
Whether a note is in tune or not.
What is intonation?
How to play: 4 fingers on C strings (cello)
How do you play low F?
The name of the black wooden piece on your instrument where your tapes are.
What is a fingerboard?
Other ways of calling the bass.
What is a string bass, contrabass, or double bass?
The value of a single eighth note.
What is half of a beat?
The name of the symbol that looks like a sideways V.
What is an accent?
(violin) Placing 2 fingers on E string ON the tape.
What is G#?
The small piece of wooden stick inside your instrument.
What is a sound post?
Name a Baroque composer.
Who is Bach?