What do you say when you see an eighth note?
What letter note name does "DO" start on in our class?
syllables assigned to notes to assist a musician when reading music.
Examples of string instruments are...
violin, cello, guitar, ukulele etc.
How do string instruments make sound?
String instruments make sound when the strings are plucked or strummed.
What do you say when you see a quarter note
If DO is on a line then MI and SOL are on?
The lines above it.
Examples of Percussion instruments are...
Drums, guiro, xylophone, boomwhackers, etc.
How do percussion instruments make sound?
The sound of a percussion instrument is created when striking, shaking or scraping the instrument causing it to vibrate.
What do you say when you see a Sixteenth note?
What is the whole solfège scale ascending?
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do
Treble Clef
a symbol placed at the beginning of the staff to aid the musician in what letters the notes are on the staff.
Examples of Woodwind instruments are...
flute, piccolo, Clarinet, bassoon, etc.
How do Woodwind/brass instruments make sound?
To play brass and woodwind instruments you blow into a mouthpiece causing a vibration within the instrument. It is this vibration that creates sounds.
What do you say/write when you see a half note?
What is the whole solfège scale descending?
Do, Ti, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do
Examples of brass instruments are...
saxophone, trumpet, horn, tuba, etc.
What do woodwind instruments use that brass instruments do not?
What would be the music notes for these "TA KA DI MI" rhythm syllables? [TA, TA KA DI MI, TA DI, TA]
quarter note, sixteenth notes, eighth notes, quarter note
Sing the solfège scale ascending AND descending.
NO Written response.
A melodic or rhythmic phrase that is consistently repeated throughout a song underneath the melody.
Describe where all the instrument families sit within an orchestra.
the strings are in the front closest to the conductor, the woodwinds sit behind the strings, the brass sit behind the woodwind, and the percussion instruments can be found at the back of the orchestra.
Ultimately what does ANY instrument have to do to create sound?