This time signature has 2 beats per measure
What is 2/4?
This time signature is characterized by 2 beats per measure.
What is 2/4?
This rhythmic pattern consists of a quarter followed by 3 quarter notes and a quarter rest.
What is a "quarter-quarter-quarter-rest" pattern?
There are two types of beats in music. This is the first beat you hear in a piece of music.
What is a strong beat?
Quaver used what example to teach the meter of two.
What is bucket?
This time signature has 4 beats per measure
What is 4/4?
This time signature features 3 beats per measure and is often found in waltzes.
What is 3/4?
This rhythmic pattern consists of a quarter note followed by 2 eighth notes.
What is a "quarter-eighth-eighth" pattern?
This type of beat follows the first beat in music.
What is a weak beat?
Quaver used what two examples to teach the meter of 3.
What is Bubble Gum and Pretzels?
This time signature has 3 beats per measure
What is 3/4?
A time signature that indicates 4 beats per measure and is commonly used in Rock Music.
What is 4/4?
This rhythmic pattern consists of quarter note, 4 sixteenth notes, and a quarter note.
What is a "quarter-sixteenth-sixteenth-sixteenth-sixteenth-quarter" pattern?
The speed of the beat in music.
What is Tempo?
Quaver used what example to teach the meter of 4.
What is Ballon Pop?
This music has a simple meter of 2/4.
What is marching?
This time signature is a compound meter with 6 beats per measure.
What is 6/8?
This rhythmic pattern consists of a quarter note followed by 2 eighth notes, a quarter note followed by 2 eighth notes.
What is a "quarter-eighth-eighth-quarter-eighth-eighth" pattern?
The way beats are organized in twos and threes.
What is meter?
Quaver used two terms to explain the difference in sound in strong beats and weak beats.
What is loud and soft?
This type of music has a simple meter of 3/4.
What is Waltz?
These time signatures fluctuates between 5 and 7 beats per measure, often used in progressive rock music.
What is 5/4 or 7/8?
This rhythmic pattern is a half note followed by a quarter and 2 eighth notes.
What is a "half-quarter-eighth-eighth pattern?
Different patterns of sound connected to the main beat.
What is rhythm?
Quaver used three types of music to identify music.
What is March, Waltz and Rock?