5 lines and four spaces creates this.
What is a staff?
What is one of Mrs Beerline's cat's names?
What is Basil and Cheeto?
This symbol combines bass and treble clef.
What is Grand Staff/Clefs?
Which family do we belong to?
Clarinet, oboe, sax
What is the woodwind family?
1 beat
What is a quarter note
Also called a G clef, looks like a cursive G
What is the treble clef?
How tall is Mrs Beerline's Husband?
6' 8"
This symbol lowers pitches by a half step.
What is flat?
Which family do we belong to?
Trumpet, tuba, trombone
What is the brass family?
These two rests look similar but one is upside down
What is a half rest and whole rest?
Divides the staff into measures
What is a bar line?
When is Mrs Beerline having her baby?
These symbols alter pitches by half or whole steps - Flat, Sharp, natural.
What are accidentals?
Which family do we belong to?
Guitar, viola, cello
What is the string family?
2 counts
What is a half note?
Indicates how many beats in each measure and what kind of note receives one beat
What is a time signature?
What town does Mrs Beerline live in?
This symbol raises pitches by a half step.
What is a sharp?
Which family do we belong to?
Piano, cymbals, snare
What is the percussion family?
There are 8 of these in a whole note
What is an eighth note?
3rd space in the treble clef
What is a "C"?
What is Mrs Beerline's main instrument?
V - what is this symbol
Up Bow
Which family do we belong to?
Oboe and Bassoon
What is the double reed family?
This time signature has 3 quarter notes per measure.
What is 3/4 time?