Tap on your lap: a quarter note, quarter rest, quarter note.
This type of rest looks like a squiggle or a lightning bolt.
What is a quarter rest?
Tap on your lap: a quarter note, two quarter rests, half note.
What is "ta", rest for two, "ti-ti"?
Write a note or rhythm on the board with five beats.
What is a whole and quarter note? (Other answers may be accepted)
This type of note gets 3 beats.
What is a dotted quarter half note.
This type of rest looks like a hat.
What is a half rest?
Tap on your lap: a half note, whole rest, two quarter note.
What is "ta-a", rest for four, "ti", "ta"?
Write a note or rhythm on the board with 9 beats.
What are three dotted half notes? (Other answers may be accepted)
Tap on your lap: four eighth notes, two quarter notes.
What is "ti-ti", rest for two, "ta", "ta-a-a-a"?
Write a rhythm on the board with 7 beats.
You CANNOT use any quarter notes.
What is a whole note, dotted half note?(Other answers may be accepted)
This type of rest looks like a hat with a dot on the right.
What is a dotted half rest?
Tap on your lap: a whole note, two eighth notes, one quarter note, quarter rest, quarter note.
What is "ta-a-a-a", rest for one, "ti-ti", "ta", rest for half, "ta-a"?
Write a rhythm on the board with 13 beats.
You CANNOT use whole notes or quarter notes.
What is three dotted half notes and two half notes? (Other answers may be accepted)