One below do
What is ti?
The two types of musicians in an art song
What are a singer and a (collaborative) pianist?
Example 1
What is takida?
Two below E
What is C?
Usually three movements and features a soloist playing with an orchestra
What is a concerto?
The space between two notes
What is an interval?
The two elements of music that generally superseded form during the Romantic era
What are emotion and drama?
Example Two
What is apple or tadi?
Example 6
What is G?
Usually four movements and features an orchestra playing together
What is a symphony?
the interval ascending from an F to the closest C
What is a fifth?
The central POV in Der Erlkönig
The father’s
Example 3
What is raspberry or tadimi?
Example 7
What is B?
This instrumentalist often served as a conductor from the keyboard in the Baroque era
What is the harpsichord?
The interval that makes up three-note chords
What is a third?
The ensemble that significantly expanded during the Romantic Era
What is the symphony orchestra?
How many steady beats are in Example 4?
What is two?
Example 7
What is F#?
Title for the first chair of the first violin section in a symphony
What is a concertmaster?
The two types of musical steps
Half and whole
The composer of Erlkönig
Example 5
What is tavakididama?
This note is the same as A#
What is B flat?
What are the four instrument parts in a string quartet?
What are the Violin I, Violin II, Viola, and Cello?