Rhythmic Notation Or Values
Note Name Reading
Musical Terms
Counting Rhythms
This note has a filled in note head and a stem - ♩
What is a quarter note?
This is the Mnemonic device or saying to find middle "C" on the piano.
What is "To the left, to the left, of the 2 black keys, is C"
These letters represent the names of the note lines of the treble clef.
What are E, G, B, D, F?
This is one of the Mnemonic devices (sayings) used to remember the names and order of the strings on a 6 string guitar?
What is Edward Ate Dynamite, Good Bye Eddie or Every Adult Donkey Grows Big Ears
We used this system of counting music rhythms through the use of color, nicknames for each color and math in order to understand rhythm.
What is RYBG or the use of red, yellow, blue, green Lego blocks.
This has a filled in note head, a stem with one flag- ♪
What is an eighth note?
The first space and top line of the treble clef have this note name. (see flashcard visual)
What is F?
Five horizontal lines with 4 spaces in between are an example of this. (see flashcard visual)
What is a staff?
These are located on the head of the guitar and are used to tune the guitar? (see flashcard visual)
What are tuning pegs?
Four connected sixteenth notes are counted this way. (see flashcard visual)
What is "1, e, &, dah?
This note has a filled in note head, a stem and 2 flags (see flashcard visual)
What are sixteenth notes?
This is the note centered around the middle line of the treble clef. (see flashcard visual)
What is B?
This is the space between 2 barlines. (see flashcard visual)
What is a measure?
These metal dividers are embedded into the neck of the guitar to indicate different frets.
What are fret bars?
In 4/4, you would count (2) eighth notes, (4) sixteenth notes, (1) eighth note plus (2) sixteenth notes, followed by (1) quarter note this way. (see flashcard visual)
What is 1-&-, 2E&D, 3-&d, 4--- ?
This rest takes 2 counts of "silence" to perform in 4/4. (See flashcard visual)
What is a half rest?
This note is the third space of the treble clef. (see flashcard visual)
What is "C" on the treble clef?
Short horizontal lines added above or below a staff to extend the note reading area. (see flashcard visual)
What are ledger lines?
Playing guitar by using "the numbers system" is one way to read guitar music. (see flashcard visual)
What is tablature?
The math equation would be written like this in number form when you see these notes in 4/4: (see flashcard visual) (1) sixteenth note, (1) eighth note, (1) sixteenth note, (1) quarter note, (1) half rest
What is 1/4 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1 + (2) = 4
In 4/4, (1) whole note, plus (1) quarter note, minus (4) eighth notes equals these many beats. (see flashcard visual)
What is 3 beats?
The note around the first ledger line above the staff in treble clef is this. (see flashcard visual)
What is A?
By adding symbols/letters that stand for various volumes of sound, accents that "punctuate" music, composers create different "emotions", "moods", and/or effects as a result of using this musical element device. (see flashcard visual)
What are dynamics?
This picture represents one of these and creates the harmony under the melody in a piece of music. (see flashcard visual)
What is a chord?
The following RYBG drawing would look like this AFTER viewing a measure of these music note combinations. The "top blocks" would be as follows: RED, BLUE, GREEN, RED, BLUE, RED, YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN, RED (see flashcard visual)
What is a measure of (1)eighth note, (2) sixteenth notes, , (2) eighth notes, (4) connected sixteenth notes, and (1) quarter note. (See illustration)