Do you stomp your feet in the music room?
T/F You should hit the keyboards as hard as you can!
Do you need to raise your hand when you want to tell Mrs. McKeller something?
Do we jump off ANY of the stairs?
Do we step on the mats?
No, it could rip them.
Should we bang or tap on the floor?
T/F You should run across the room to your mat.
Should you pull, pick, or spin on the mats?
NO, it will tear them up.
How do we sit on our mat?
Criss-cross applesauce, facing the front
Should you sit with your hands on the floor?
No, someone might step on your fingers.
Should you go to the bathroom before you come to music?
Yes, there is no bathroom in the music room and you waste our music time.
Where do your hands go?
In your lap.
Why should you not jump down the stairs?
You can get hurt or hurt someone else.
When it's time to line up, can you get in front of the person in your row if they are going too slow ?
No, stay in your same order. My line order may be different than your teacher's.
If I have to give you multiple warnings what will happen?
A conduct mark and lose station time.