A dotted half note in 4/4 time gets this many beats.
This is our musical alphabet.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G
This is the formula for constructing a major triad.
These extend the staff above or below.
Ledger lines
Legend has it, this blues man "sold his soul to the Devil" to become a master musician.
Robert Johnson
Symbol for indicating silence of a certain duration.
A # symbol does what to a pitch?
Raises it by a half step.
Identify this triad:
Bb Minor Triad
This is the order of sharps.
F, C, G, D, A, E, B
This man is often considered the greatest saxophonist who has ever lived.
Charlie Parker
The bottom number in a time signature tells us what?
What note value gets the beat.
This is the term we use to refer to the distance between two pitches.
This is the formula for constructing a minor triad.
Music symbol at the beginning of a piece of music that shows the meter.
Time signature
These people were tribal musicians in Africa whose job was to share songs/stories and preserve the culture of their tribes.
The repeating unit of time that you feel as the basic rhythmic structure of a piece of music. The “heartbeat” of a piece of music.
This is our (natural) minor scale formula.
W, H, W, W, H, W, W
This term describes harmony stacked in thirds.
A curved line that connects to notes of the same pitch, combining their durations.
The birthplace of jazz was in this city, in Congo Square.
New Orleans
A single eighth note in 4/4 time gets this many beats.
Two pitches that sound the same but are spelled differently. For example, Ab/G# or A#/Bb, etc.
Enharmonic pitches
This term means notes pertaining to a particular key or scale.
Musical symbol of sharps or flats at the beginning of a secion/piece of music that tells you which accidentals carry through the piece of music.
Key Signature
This man changed rock and roll forever by popularizing the use of guitar effects.
Jimi Hendrix