This note is worth 1 beat.
Quarter note.
The following rest has 1 beat.
Quarter rest.
Solve the addition problem.
That is the name of this dynamic. What does it mean?
Piano which means soft
The following dynamic marking (ff) means the following.
Fortissimo (very loud)
This note is worth 2 beats.
Half note.
The following rest has 2 beats.
Half rest.
Solve the following math problem.
The following dynamic symbol (pp) means the following.
Pianissimo (very soft)
The following music period means "Misshapen pearl."
Baroque Period
This note is worth 3 beats.
Dotted half note.
The following rest has 4 beats.
Whole rest.
Quarter note + half note - dotted quarter note + eighth note =
Solve the following math problem.
The following dynamic marking (mp) means the following.
Mezzo piano (medium soft)
The following music period means "rebirth."
The Renaissance Period
This note is worth 4 beats.
Whole note.
The following rest has 1.5 beats.
Dotted quarter rest.
Dotted half note + whole note - eight note + quarter note =
Solve the following math problem.
The following dynamic marking (mf) means the following.
Mezzo forte (medium loud).
Explain the time signature numbers.
6 - means there are six beats per measure.
8 - means that the eighth note gets the unit of the beat.
This note has 1.5 beats.
Dotted quarter note.
The following rest has 2.5 beats.
Dotted half rest.
quarter note x dotted half note + eighth note - quarter note.
Solve the following math problem.
The following dynamic marking (f) means the following.
Forte (loud)
Lines - EGBDF
Spaces - FACE