the beats in a song
what is rhythm?
key signature with no sharps or flats in it
what is the key of C?
has a duration of one beat
what is a quarter note?
sounds like star wars
what is a perfect fifth?
the acronym for the spaces in the treble clef staff
what is FACE?
has to do with volume of a song
what is dynamics?
key signature with one flat in it
what is the key of F?
sounds like here comes the bride or amazing grace
what is a perfect fourth?
the acronym for the lines in the treble clef
what is Every Good Boy Does Fine?
three notes on top of each other separated by a third
what is a chord?
go to the last sharp and one half step up
what is the rule of sharps?
has a duration of 4 beats
what is a whole note?
sounds like happy birthday
what is a major second?
the acronym for the spaces in the bass clef
what is All Cows Eat Grass?
the silence between the sound
what is a rest?
go the second to last flat
what is the rule of flats?
has a duration of a 1/2 a beat
what is an eighth note?
sounds like jaws theme
what is a minor second?
the acronyms for the lines in the bass clef
what is Great Big Dogs Fight Animals?
contains sharps or flats
what is a key signature?
another name for sharps or flats
what is an accidental?
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do
what is solfege?
sounds like somewhere over the rainbow
the staff that the sopranos and altos generally sing in
what is the treble clef?