What is the name of this music note and the number of beats it is equal to in 4/4.
What is a whole note and it is equal to four beats
What are the names of the lines in treble clef?
This instruments has bars made of wood that you strike
What is a xylophone?
What is the name of this musical symbol?
What is a quarter rest
This instrument involves a wind source and a muscle.
What is the name of these notes and how many beats they are equal to in 4/4.
What are eighth notes and they equal one beat
This note is on the fourth space of the treble clef staff
What is a E
This instrument has 6 strings made of steel or nylon.
What is a guitar?
What is the name of this musical symbol
What is a whole rest
You have to perform by reading notes on one line. You are playing this kind of music from a family of instruments of the same name.
What is percussion?
What is the name of this note and the number of beats it is equal to in 3/4.
What is a quarter note and it equals one beat
This note is on the third line of the treble clef
What is "B"
This instrument has a skin stretched across a frame.
What is a drum?
Describe how dots work in rhythm
A dot extends the duration of a note/rest by its original value + half of itself.
Name one holiday people celebrate in December.
What is Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, Diwali?
This note looks like a whole note with a stem on it
What is a half note?
What are the names of the spaces in treble clef?
What is F, A, C, E,
This instrument is filled with small beads or beans.
What is a shaker?
The number of eighth notes a quarter note divides into.
What is two?
Translate this: feliz navidad.
What is Merry Christmas?
The number of eighth notes in a whole note.
What is 8?
The official name of the lines and spaces
What is "the staff"?
This instrument is cut to specific lengths to make one pitch when it hits a hard object like the floor or your hand.
What is a boomwhacker?
What is the name of this musical symbol and the number of beats it is equal to.
What is a half rest and it equals two beats
This is the venue where you will perform.
What is the gym?