Treble Clef
Bass Clef
Note Values
Music Vocabulary

This clef tells us to play the higher notes on the piano with our right hand.

Esta clave nos indica que toquemos las notas mas altas del piano con la mano derecha 

What is the treble clef


This symbol tells us to use our left hand to play lower notes.

Este símbolo nos indica que usemos nuestra mano izquierda para tocar notas más bajas.

What is the bass clef


This pause is a squiggle and lasts for 1 beat

Esta pausa es un garabato y dura 1 tiempo.

What is a quarter rest


You are talking about the fastness or the slowness of the music which is referred to as...

What is Tempo or BPM


This type of step contains two semitones...

What is a WHOLE step

This note in the treble clef has a circle, a stick and it is colored in and sits on the third line.
What is quarter note B

This note sits on the fifth line.

Esa nota siente en la linea quinta (5th)

What is a A


This symbol is a circle. It has no stick and is not colored in.

Este símbolo es un círculo. No tiene pegante y no está coloreado.

What is a whole note


This vocabulary term tells us how many beats are in a measure and which type of note gets 1 beat

What is time signature


How many semitones are in a half step?

What is one semitone or one step.

This note has a circle, a stick and it is not colored in and sits in the fourth space
What is half note E

This note sits on the second line

Es nota siente en el segundo linea

What is B


This symbol looks like a top hat.

Este símbolo parece un sombrero de copa.

What is a half rest


This is the section of a song that differs from the main refrain, and usually follows the introduction of a song. 

What is the verse.


A series of half steps and whole steps in a certain order, this group of notes begins on one note and ends on the same letter pitch one octave higher. 

What is a scale?

This note sits on the second line in the treble clef.
What is G

This note sits in the second space.

Esa nota siente en el espacio segundo.

What is C


This symbol has a circle, a stick, is not colored in and has a dot

Este símbolo tiene un círculo, un palo, no está coloreado y tiene un punto.

What is dotted half note


This is the section of a popular song that repeats most often, sends the message of the song to the audience, and usually contains the hook/earworm of the melody.

What is a CHORUS


When you are talking about the loudness or softness of a piece of music, you refer to

What is dynamics

This note has a circle, a stick and a flag and sits on the fifth line of the treble clef
What is an eighth note F

This is Beyonce's favorite board game...

Este es el juego de mesa favorito de Beyonce...

Connect Four


This rest symbol hangs off the B line because it is too heavy to sit on a line. It looks like a sinkhole or pothole.

Este símbolo de descanso cuelga de la línea B porque es demasiado pesado para sentarse en una línea. Parece un socavón o un bache.

What is whole rest


This word from your tonality note tells us what kind of accidentals and which scale to play for a song

What is the key or key signature of a song. 

When you want the orchestra to increase in volume gradually.
What is crescendo