What is the following note?
What note is worth one beat?
Quarter Note
What is the fourth note in the C# Minor scale?
What major or minor key has one flat in it?
F Major or D Minor
The following scale is ________ .
C Major Scale
What is the following note?
How many beats are in a measure if the time signature is 4/8?
What is the following note?
What is relative minor to C Major?
A Minor
The following scale is _____ .
d minor scale
What is the following note name?
What note is worth 3 beats?
Dotted Quarter Note
What type of time signature is 9/8? (Name both types)
Triple Compound
What minor key has two sharps?
B Minor
What is the fifth note of the Ab Major Scale?
What note is the same as B-natural?
On beat 4 of measure 3, what is the note value of the notes given in this musical excerpt?
Eighth Notes
What is another name for the Treble Clef?
G Clef
Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, and Gb
What is the sixth note of the B Major Scale?
What is the following note?
Is type of time signature is 8/16? (Name both types)
Duple Simple
What flat major key is the same as the sharp major key that is relative to A# minor?
D-flat Major
What is the sixth flat in the key signature, if the key is E-flat minor?
The following scale is ________ .
C# Major Scale