Key Signatures
What is the key of F?
What is E?
What is A?
What is a half note?
The 5 lines on which the notes are on.
What is the staff?
What is the key of E flat?
What is middle C?
What is D?
What is a whole rest?
The numbers that tell you how many beats there are in each measure.
What is a time signature?
What is G?
What is middle C?
What is a sixteenth note?
The symbol that means to gradually get louder.
What is a crescendo?
What is the key of E?
What is B flat?
What is A sharp?
What is a dotted eighth rest?
The dynamic that means to sing soft.
What is piano?
What is the key of F sharp?
What is C sharp?
What is B flat?
What is a 32nd rest?
The symbol that cancels accidentals.
What is a natural?