What is the key?
What is F Major?
What is the key?
What is A Major?
What is the key?
What is G minor?
What is the key?
What is B minor?
What is the key to success?
What is bribery?
What interval moves throughout the Circle of 5ths?
What is a 5th?
What is the parallel key of C# minor?
What is C# Major?
What is the key?
What is Cb Major?
What is the key?
What is D Major?
What is the key?
What is C minor?
What is the key?
What is G# Minor?
Define Parallel Keys
Keys that share the same tonic, but have different pitch sets.
The Circle of 5ths always moves in which direction?
What is clockwise?
What is the Major Enharmonic Key of C# Major?
What is Db Major?
What is the key?
What is Bb Major?
What is the key?
What is E Major?
What is the key?
What is D minor?
What is the key?
What is D# Minor?
Define Relative Keys.
Keys that share the same pitch set, but have different tonic pitches.
How many sets of enharmonic keys are there in the Circle of 5ths?
What is 3?
What is the Major Relative Key of B minor?
What is D Major?
What is the key?
What is Eb Major?
What is the key?
What is C# Major?
What is the key?
What is Bb Minor?
What is the key?
What is F# Minor?
Define Key Signature.
A collection of sharps or flats that modifies the given scale.
What is the highest number of Flats you will find on the Circle of 5ths?
What is 7 flats?
What is the Minor Relative Key of Ab Major?
What is F minor?
What is the key?
What is Db Major?
What is the key?
What is B Major?
What is the key?
What is Eb Minor?
What is the key?
What is A# minor?
Define Enharmonic Keys.
Keys that share the same pitch set, share the same tonic, but are written and defined by either flats OR sharps.
What is the minor key located at the 4# spot on the Circle of 5ths?
What is C# minor?
What is the Major Enharmonic key of B Major?
What is Cb Major?