Time Signatures and Note Values
Elements of Music
Random Music Theory

What do the numbers in a time signature tell you?

The top number tells you how many beats are in a measure, and the bottom number tells you which note gets the beat.


What do the spaces on the treble clef spell out?



What is the interval between C and E?

A major third.


How many sharps are in the key of G major?

One (F#).


What are the seven letters used to name musical notes?

A, B, C, D, E, F, G.


In 6/8 time, how many beats are grouped in each measure, and what type of note represents one beat?

Two beats grouped in three eighth notes each, and the dotted quarter note represents one beat.


What are the lines of the bass clef staff from bottom to top?

G, B, D, F, A.


What is the interval between B and F?



What is the pattern of whole and half steps in a major scale?

Whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half.


Why are key signatures used in written music?

To show which sharps or flats apply throughout the piece, simplifying notation.


What happens to a note’s duration when a dot is added to it?

The dot adds half the value of the original note to its duration.


Why is the grand staff used in piano music?

It combines the treble and bass clefs to show the full range of pitches on the piano.


How many half steps are in a major third?

Four half steps.


What are the notes in the A natural minor scale?

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A.


What does a sharp symbol (#) do to a note?

It raises the pitch by a half step.


What is the difference between a quarter note and a quarter rest?

A quarter note represents a sound lasting one beat, while a quarter rest represents silence for one beat.


What do ledger lines allow you to do?

Write notes that are too high or too low to fit on the staff.


What’s the difference between harmonic and melodic intervals?

Harmonic intervals are played at the same time, while melodic intervals are played one after the other.


How do you find the relative minor of a major key?

Go down three half steps from the major key’s tonic.


What is the purpose of a time signature?

It tells you how many beats are in a measure and what type of note gets the beat.


Name a common piece of music in 3/4 time and explain how the time signature shapes its character.

  •  A waltz; the 3/4 time gives it a dance-like, lilting feel with an emphasis on the first beat.

Why are mnemonic devices like "Every Good Boy Does Fine" useful in learning music theory?

They help students quickly memorize the names of the lines and spaces on the staff.


Why is the interval between E and Bb smaller than the interval between E and B?

The Bb is a half step lower than B, which reduces the distance between the two notes, making the interval smaller.


What is unique about the harmonic minor scale compared to the natural minor scale?

The harmonic minor raises the 7th scale degree by a half step.


How is the circle of fifths useful for musicians?

It shows the relationships between keys and their sharps or flats.