Style of music originating in New Orleans characterized by flexible rhythmic structure often featuring improvisations on basic tunes and chords
What is Jazz
Shape of melodic line
What is contour
Root, major third, perfect fifth
Major triad
Lydian, fourth degree of a scale
An interval of the perfect fifth moves to another perfect fifth
A musical work traditionally played in three movements usually played by one solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra.
What is a concerto?
What is cadence
minor triad + minor seventh, minor-minor
what is Minor seventh chord
Ionian, first degree of a scale
You shouldn't do this to the third or seventh (both are tendency tones) or the fifth of a seventh chord (would require omitting the root, third, or seventh, and that's no bueno)
what is doubling
A piece of music where a melody is played in a number of voices introduced gradually with counter-melodies, accompaniment, passages, periods of rest, and returning to the main original melody
What is a Fugue?
A passage at the end of a section which leads to the next section. Most often a repetition of the previous section or the entire piece
what is Turnaround
Fifth is raised 1/2 step from major
Augmented triad
When two parts overlap in the same chord
Voice crossing
A musical composition with few instruments, one traditionally being a piano in 3 or 4 movements that vary in key and tempo from one another.
What is a sonata?
Two or more phrases in antecedent consequent relationship, ends in cadence
Third and fifth of a root position are embellished by upper neighbor tones, bass is stationary, usually occurs on weak beat
Neighboring/ pedal 6 4
Dorian, second degree of a scale
Interval that spans 3 whole tones, augmented fourth or diminished fifth
An extended piece in three or more movements for an orchestra
What is symphony
Retains the rhythm and the basic contour of the material but flips it upsidown
what is inversion
Precedes the dominant often at a cadence, embellishes dominant
what is cadential 6/4
7-flat, seventh degree of scale of natural minor
Doing a navi
what is literally not paying attention to anything ever