No Strings Attached (But Actually There Are)
Gone With The Wind(s)
Silent Films
Helping Others
Vidya Gamez

A very common fretted musical instrument with six strings. It is normally plucked or strummed.

What is the guitar?


Bwah-wah-wah! I am a brass instrument that is operated by change the length of my slide, rather than pressing on valves.

What is the trombone?


This music genre is meant to be played with animations.

What is animation music?


This type of film was the earliest ancestor to all types of movies.

What is the silent film?


Based on the coal mining town at which he grew up, Bill Withers' wrote this famous anthem of community and giving.

What is Lean On Me?


These machines were some of the earliest forms of electronic game music.

What are pinball machines or slot machines?

I have many, many strings (more than 10!). You may see me often in the symphony orchestra. However, more likely than not, you may associate me with fancy, angel-like music.

What is the harp?


I am a traditionally Scottish woodwind instrument. I use reeds that vibrate from air stored in a bag.

What are the bagpipes?


Mickey Mouse was singing about this during his "yoo-hoo" in 1929.

Who is Minnie Mouse?


Instead of recorded music, silent films would have this instead.

What is live music?


It was during this president's inauguration ceremony that a large number of people were trapped in a tunnel.

Who is Barack Obama?


This instrument classification refers to electricity being its primary way of making sound.

What is an electrophone?


I sometimes have four, five, or even six strings! You may hear me being used in American music genres such as bluegrass and country.

What is the banjo?


Prehistoric evidence points to this instrument being made out of hollowed out bone. How neat!

What is the flute?


Mickey Mouse first appeared in this cartoon in 1928.

What is Steamboat Willie?


When the musician makes up the silent film music on the spot. You must use BOTH words to earn your points.

What is an improvised score?


This eight-syllable word describes the act of giving or helping people who are less fortunate.

What is humanitarianism?


The usage of this made it possible to have live orchestra recordings in games because it had more data.

What is the CD?


Look inside this instrument and you'll find an enormous amount of strings that are struck by a hammer to create sound.

What is the piano?


If you thought the Alto Saxophone was high and screechy, I have bad news for you... I am even higher pitched!

What is the Soprano Saxophone?


This is a film technique that syncs the music with the actions on screen

What is Mickey-Mousing?


Silent film musicians would normally play this instrument as it could do almost anything musically.

What is the piano?


Both Gloria Gaynor and Lady Gaga wrote songs that became anthems of this, particularly within the LGBTQ+ communities

What is Identity?


Meaning "artificial" or "fake," this instrument's sounds were used for the first arcade games.

What is the synthesizer?


This keyboard instrument was most popular in the 16th century to early 18th century (1500 - 1750).

What is the harpsichord?


Despite my reputation in elementary school music classes, I actually was quite a popular instrument during the the 1700s.

What is the recorder?


It was the invention of this type of filming technology that made animations a possibility.

What is sound-on-film technology?


This type of score would use music that has already been written, usually classical music. You must use BOTH words to earn your points.

What are compiled scores?


For the Together At Home concert during the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, this artist performed Lean on Me as a tribute to Bill Withers. He's also blind.

Who is Stevie Wonder?


Nintendo's first console to use discs.

What is the Gamecube?