Composer and Fun Fact
Music Store Owner And Record Company Owner
Radio DJ and Fun Fact
Stage Manager and Conductor

How does the composer describe what music is to him?

He describes music as “telling a story”


The music store sells instruments, what else do they do?

They also repair instruments and offer instrument lessons


What does Stacey Lynn say is the hardest part of being a DJ?

There is a lot of rejection – people telling you that you are not good


What does a stage manager do?

answers will vary


What does a composer do?

answer will vary


What are some challenges of owning a music store?

Making the customers happy and having the right mix of inventory


What are some of the buttons for on a radio board?

The buttons “fire” all the things the DJ might want to play – songs, commercials, announcements, or turning the microphone on or off


Name some of the elements of the show that the stage manager manages.

The lights, the sound, the venue (where it is happening – the stage), the band, etc.


What is a deadline?

When a project is due.


What things do you need to learn to be a music store owners?

How to work with customers, music, instruments, and managing employees


What is a "Mash up"?

answers will vary


What does a conductor do?

The conductor keeps the musicians in an orchestra playing together


Name one composing App.

Incredibox, Garage Band, FL Studio, etc...


What does the owner of a record company do?

A record company owner finds bands that they want to work with, sign a contract, record an album, help them on tour, and take care of the business dealings of the band


Why do you think so many people we talked to wanted to pursue one career and ended up in another?

As you grow up, you learn and are exposed to new interests and opportunities


What is the first step to becoming a conductor?

Start learning an instrument


Who is Mateo Messina?

Mateo Messina a composer who writes music for movies, television shows, video games and concerts.


What does Portia Sabin say is the hardest part of her job?

Keeping up with changes in the music industry, especially technology


What does a DJ do?

The DJ runs the radio board that contains all the things the DJ might want to play, from music to announcements to the microphone on/off button.


What did Norman Huynh say was the most challenging part of being a conductor?  

telling the story of the music—translating the music from the page to the concert hall.