Muslim Table Setting
The Host
The Guest
Anything more!
How to Act at Home and Abroad

What is the order of the utilizes on the right of your plate

soup spoon, salad folk, dinner folk and dessert spoon


What seating position will the host sit while dining?

At the head of the table

When seated at the dinner table , do not place your purse, wallet or phone in these two areas…      

The Table or Floor
What side of the table is food service?

Right side of the table


Good manners protect what ?

Good Morals


What is the order of the place setting the goes on top of  the charger or place mat

Dinner plate, salad plate, soup bowl


The good rule of thumb is to follow the host ____ and watch her ___ ( you can get one at least for full points)

follow the host lead and watch her cues.


When leaving the table, gently and loosely fold the napkin and place it on what side of the table      



What side is food removed from the table?

Food is removed from the left side of the table.


If you bring a gift for the host, such as a side dish or dessert, is it appropriate to request the gift back?

It is not appropriate.

What utensil will you find on the left side of your plate

Dinner knife


If you enjoyed the meal, it is considerate to express what?

Appreciation with a simple compliment and a thank you to the host.


Finish this statement: Do not eat until the _______ starts eating first or invites you to eat..



Name the three serving style when dining?

Individual, Communal and Buffet.


What should I do if my husband and I are invited to dinner and I want to bring my children also? 

You may ask the host first. If unsure, politely inquire with the host regarding her preference.


What position will you find the water goblet or water glass in reference to the dinner plate

2 o' clock position

I just want to share something with my sister, is it okay just to drop by her home.
Do not go to someone's home univited.

When finish eating your meal, you should place your knife, folk or spoon in which postitin  ( hint- the time)

4 O' Clock postion for soup 4 or 5 O'clock position


How many courses does a Muslim meal typically consist of?

4 Courses


After the dinner party, can I takl about it with the peole who weren't invited?

It is polite and considerate to never discuss the details of events with thos who were not invited. It is can cause others to feel left out or excluded.


What position will you fine the beverage glass in reference to the dinner plate

1 o' clock position

Where would the host sit husbands and wives at the table?

 Hubands and wives may be seated together or across from each other at the table.


When a guest in someone's home, whose is responsible for assigning the seating

the host or designated person


Is is okay to ask for fooe to take with me after such a delicious meal?

Do nota ask for food to take with you if it was not offered to you.

My sister is coming to town and will be here the day of a dinner to which I am invited. May I ask the host if she can come? ✓

You may inquire considerately and graciously by saying, “I would like to come, but my sister is here, and I do not want to be inconsiderate.” But be gracious and understanding if the host declines. Also, note that in situations where you are given the opportunity to RSVP for more than one person, it is considerate to make the host aware if you would like to bring someone that the host does not know. It is impolite to show up with a strange person that the host does not know and is not expecting. Please be prepared and understand that the host has the right to decline additional persons who were not specifically invited.