A student who listens, follows directions, and supportive of their peers.
What is being respectful in the classroom? Discuss why being respectful to the teacher and your peers makes learning more fun and less stressful.
Low Voice and polite language
How should you use your voice in the hallways? Discuss why a low voice level is important in between class and large public settings and why polite language is important in a public place.
Go Flush Wash Leave
What are the expectations for being responsible in the restroom? Discuss proper hygiene when using the restroom.
Students get upset, property is destroyed, and students are cold.
What is taking another's belongings? Lets talk about hats and people's belongings, and how we need to be respectful of these.
Be respectful, responsible, safe and active learners
What are the Mustang Musts?
A student who is on task, comes prepared, and arrives on time.
What is being responsible in the classroom? Discuss why being prepared for class and future jobs is an important life skill.
F-File to the right L-Low Voice O-Open pathway W-Walk!!!!!!!!!!
What does the acronym FLOW stand for? Discuss why we FLOW.
Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer
What you should do before you eat and after you use the bathroom? Review how to wash your hands (Put soap on your hands, scrub hands with soap for the length of the ABC song or count to 30, rinse hands, dry hands)
Rock Paper Scissors, consistent rules, agree on rules before the start of a game, even teams, and including everyone
What are ways to prevent and/or solve problems or conflicts? Please brainstorm at least 5 other ways you can problem solve on or off the playground?
Talking in a 0-1 voice, staying in your seat, not distracting the driver, being kind to the other riders
What is being safe on the bus? Please discuss what bus safety looks like, that we need to be respectful of all people on the bus and especially respect what the driver tells us to do as they are in charge of all student's safety
A student who keeps their hands and feet to themselves, uses materials appropriately, and avoids horseplay.
What is being safe in the classroom? Discuss how physical and emotional safety helps make learning more fun and school a safe place to be.
A Pass
When traveling in the hallways during class time what should you always have? Discuss the safety issue of why teachers need to know where students are at.
5 minutes
What is the maximum amount of time you should spend in the bathroom? Discuss why hanging out in the bathroom is not appropriate, and if you are hurt or sick to tell an adult.
Adults can see you so you stay safe and can see if anyone's hurt.
Why do you stay in sight? Let's talk about where you need to be on the playground, we do not hide in between the buildings, adults have to be able to see you easily.
Go to your assigned classroom, find out what the days options are, Practice in all core classes is always the most important option, use proper sign out procedure, go straight to your activity
What is the proper way to check out of PACE? Please review what the proper sign out procedure is in your classroom for PACE.
A student who engaged in the lesson and asks reasonable questions.
What is being an active learner? Discuss how asking questions helps you learn things better and allows you to practice future job skills.
A student who goes to the locker, gets materials needed and goes directly to class
What is how to be on time for class? or how not to be tardy? Discuss why being to class on time is important and how this relates to a future job.
Plugging the toilets and wiping inappropriate things on walls.
What is vandalism? Discuss why we need to be respectful of our school, discuss why these behaviors can make other people sick.
No earbuds, phones off and put away, and no videoing others or taking pictures of others
What is digital citizenship during recess and/or PE (responsible electronic use)? Please talk about digital safety and what digital citizenship is
Pick up after yourself, leave the settings alone, no drinks or food, hands and feet to yourself, and only go on internet sites that are appropriate for the class you are in
What is responsible computer lab use? Please discuss what a respectful, responsible, safe and active learner looks like in the computer lab or when using the chrome cart.
A student who refuses to follow reasonable adult requests, such as refusing to do work or participate in class activities.
What is defiance or disrespect? Discuss how to speak to an adult or a peer in a respectful way even when you don't know what is going on, and come up with 3 coping skills for when you are upset.
A student who has a voice level of 0, is FLOWing, and is walking to another destination
What is passing in the hallway during class time? or how do you walk in the hallway when class is in session? Discuss why we are respectful of other's learning when we are moving in the hallway while others are in class.
Between classes, after you check in with your teacher.
When is the best time to use the restroom? Discuss why it's important to be in class and be responsible when taking these breaks.
Playing with your classmates is fun and reduces stress, Walk and Talk reduces stress, Being warm during the winter when you wear appropriate clothes outside makes you feel better
What are the benefits of being active at recess and prepared for recess? Please discuss why we should be active and not just stand at recess as well as what are appropriate clothes for different types of weather when we are outside.
Saying please and thank you to the cooks, cleaning up after yourself, not wasting food, saying "no thank you" when you do not want something, and being kind to your neighbors
What are good manners? Please discuss why manners are important in any environment, including the lunchroom, library, and office.