This is the order of the flats
What is BEADGCF?
This is the scale with a whole/half step pattern of WWHWWWH
What is major?
This is the strongest cadence in western music
What is the perfect authentic cadence?
Build a minor triad on F#
This type of form has two distinctive themes
What is binary?
This is the key signature of D major
What is 2 sharps (F# and C#)?
This mode is also known as the natural minor scale
What is Aeolian?
This non-harmonic tone is approached and resolved by step, going in the same direction
This is the quality of this chord written at the board
What is dominant 7th?
This is the term for a complete musical thought that typically ends in a cadence
What is a phrase?
What is A-flat major?
Lydian is built off of this scale degree of the major scale
What is the 4th?
This cadence ends in a V chord
What is a half cadence?
This is the quality of the triad built off of the sixth scale degree of the major scale
This type of form is usually in an ABA structure
This minor key is the relative minor key of B major
What is G# minor?
This scale features an augmented 2nd
What is a harmonic minor scale?
This non-harmonic tone is unusual in that it resolves by skip
What is an escape tone?
This is typically the quality of a triad built off of the second scale degree in a minor scale
What is diminished?
This type of binary form is usually found in the first movement of a symphony
What is sonata allegro?
This minor key features 7 sharps in its key signature
What is A# minor?
This mode does not fit under either of the major or minor mode categories
What is Locrian?
This cadence is often referred to as the "Amen cadence" as it is commonly found at the end of hymns
What is a plagal cadence?
Build a IV chord in E major
This is an example of a movement work that features a solo instrument with an orchestra
What is a concerto?