How many Backstreet Boys concerts has CK been to?
What is 40?
How many goals was UNC down in the 2022 semifinals against Northwestern?
What is 8?
What is Alex Mayo's go to Karaoke song?
What is Missed Calls by Mac Miller?
Ryan is CKs bestie. What branch of the military did he serve in?
Microinfluencer Becca was our GA last year. What position and school did she play for before coming to us?
What is Hood and attacker?
WHen is CK's birthday?
Bonus: How old is she?
What is November 23?
Bonus: 37
During COVID, a group of seniors decided to go to a restaurant and post about it. CK found out, and they had to run violations for each of the restaurant's letters. What is the restaurant's name?
What is Applebees?
Who is Drew Starkey?
Sydney Clifford, a beloved defender, always had some crazy adventures. What vegetable did she pick up one night at the club?
What is Corn?
What is COCO's real last name?
Bonus: What is his middle name?
What is Graves?
Bonus: Athing
How many teams are in the WLL?
What is 4?
If Abby Dunn could play any instrument, what would it be?
What is the maracas?
Rachel, another one of CKs besties, loves karaoke. Who in her family owns a karaoke bar?
Who are her in-laws?
Liv Durso is known for doing a particular dance move. What is it?
What game did CK get her 100th win?
Bonus: What was the score
Who is Marywood?
Bonus: 19-7
What country was the first women's lacrosse game played at?
What is Scotland?
What is Ray's hidden talent?
What is she can shake my eyes?
Who was the head lacrosse coach before CK?
Who is Jamie Reynolds?
What was the most prestigious school that recruited Nora?
What is Duke (it was short-lived)?
Who is the only person who can make CK laugh so hard she cries?
Which college has the most NCAA national championships (women)
Who is Maryland with 14?
What is Taylor's middle name?
What is Louise?
What is 201 points?
What was Rachel Crawford's number in college?
What is 13?