Library Manners
Library Sections
Ms. Thomas Facts
True or False. It is always acceptable to play and shout in the library.

What is False. It is never acceptable to play games and shout in the library. Library is not recess.


This is what you use to save your place in a book.

What is bookmark


This section of the library is for true books.

What is Nonfiction section?


If Ms. Thomas is not here or is busy with another class, where should I return my book?

What is the drop box/return slot that is outside the door?


What is Ms. Thomas' favorite color?

What is pink? 


How many books can you check out at a time?

What is 2 books?


Where should you keep your library book when you are at home?

What is your backpack, away from pets or babies?


Efiction on the call number stands for what?

What is for everyone?


True or False. During a fire drill, we quickly, but quietly line up in front of the door and follow Ms. Thomas to our designated spot.

What is true?


True or False. Ms. Thomas dislikes hiking, climbing, and basically any outdoor activity.

What is False? I LOVE going hiking, climbing, and anything to do outside. Except for winter activities. I'd rather stay inside and read a book.


After checking in books, where do you go?

What is sit on the reading carpet?


True or False. It is okay for library books to be left outside. It makes it easier for everyone to enjoy it!

False. Please don't take/leave books outside. The sun and weather don't like books.


True or False. The call number on a book is what the librarian scans to check in or out a book?

What is False? The barcode is what the librarian scans. The call number is how you find the book in the library.

Biographies belong to which main genre?

What is Nonfiction?


True or False. Ms. Thomas is older the Google.

What is True? Google was founded on September 4, 1998. Ms. Thomas was born in 1995.


How long can you keep your books?

What is 1-2 weeks?

Finish this phrase. "To keep books neat when you read, don't _____ __ ___".
What is "drink or eat"

All fiction books are organized by what?

What is the first three letters of the authors last name?


When is the right time to ask to go to the bathroom, get a drink, or about a what books you have out?

What is after the lesson/while looking for books?


What is Ms. Thomas' favorite genre to read?

What is fantasy, science fiction?


Where do you put books when you don't remember where it goes on the shelf?

What is on a tan or pink cart?


How should you hold your book? When reading and carrying it around?

What is with both hands, with a hug, closed?


Nonfiction books are organized on the shelf by what system?

What is the Dewey Decimal System?


The most important thing that we do in library is what?

What is READ?!


What Newbery awarded book started Ms. Thomas' love for reading?

What is Banner in the Sky?