People of the Bible
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He was the first man created in the Bible, formed from the dust of the earth.

Who is Adam?


This church movement led to the formation of the protestant church traditions such as our own.

What is the Reformation?


This Spanish explorer is often mistakenly credited with European discovery of the Americas, but he is also known for his aggressive treatment of the native people he discovered upon his arrival.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


This is the first book of the Bible

What is Genesis?


This is Pastor Chris' oldest son

Who is Erich?


She was the first wife of Abraham, and in her old age gave birth to a son.

Who is Sarah/Sarai?


This former monk posted 95 theses to the door of the University Church to question several policies of the Roman Catholic church, and later was excommunicated for the trouble.

Who is Martin Luther?


This vessel carried the pilgrims from England to Plymouth Rock in the 17th century.

What is the Mayflower?


This is the last book of the Bible.

What is Revelation?

This is the name of the confirmation student who Pastor Chris says has given him the most gray hairs

Who is Ava Beers?


He was the king of Israel who was famous for his wisdom. He oversaw the building of the first temple of the Lord.

Who is Solomon?

This is Martin Luther's home country.

Where is Germany?


Before Arizona became a territory of the United States, it was controlled by this modern nation.

What is Mexico?


This is the collective name for the books of the Bible that tell the story of Jesus' life.

What are the gospels?


Pastor Glenn is a fan of this professional football team

Who is The Washington Football Team?


She is the mother of John the Baptizer, and cousin to Mary.

Who is Elizabeth?


He was the disciple of Jesus on whom Jesus said, "on this rock I will build my church."

Who is Peter?


This largest herbivore in the Western Hemisphere was once nearly hunted to extinction, and now resides mostly in national parks such as Yellowstone

What is the American Buffalo?


This book has sold the most copies of any book in the world.

What is the Bible?


This is Pastor Chris' favorite food.

What is Deep Dish Pizza?


This "oldest man of the Bible" lived to be 964 years old, according to the book of Genesis.

Who is Methuselah?


This was the year the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America was formed.

What is 1988?


In 1849, gold was found in this state.

What is California?


This book of the Bible is sometimes called the "hymnbook of the Jews," with 150 separate songs.

What is the book of Psalms?


Pastor Chris went to seminary in this state.

What is Iowa?