Catalano's Comprehension
MVP Comprehension
MVP Comprehension

How did His Majestic obtain a golden horn?

He had to earn it. 


What are Nobel Deeds?

honorable or worthy achievements or actions


What does the author mean "I've not heard tell of" in paragraph 11?

A.  The old man didn't want to hear any stories about monsters or dragons.

B.  The old man wasn't aware of any monsters or dragons.

C.  The old man didn't want to share what he knew about monsters or dragons.

D.  The old man was not troubled by monsters or dragons.



What is the theme of the passage A, B, C, or D?

A.  Traveling with others helps time pass by quicker.

B. One can do good in the world by helping others in simple ways.

C. One can get better at a task by listening to the advice of others.

D.  Strong leaders are not afraid to share their power with others.



What must Little Unicorn do to have a horn like His Majestic?

He must earn it by doing noble deeds.


What does sought mean in paragraph 22?

to look for


What can the reader infer about the young unicorn before he set out on his journey?

A.  He thought he would easily become the leader by earning a gold horn quickly.

B.  He thought his mother's story about how to earn a gold horn was untrue.

C. He thought it was strange that his mother wanted him to do Great and Noble Deeds.

D. He thought it would be easy to recognize Great and Noble Deeds out in the world. 



Every time the Young Unicorn meets up with someone what does he ask and why?

He asks, "Have you seen a princess who needs rescuing or a fearsome monster or a fire-breathing dragon," because he wants to do noble deeds and turn his white horn golden.


Why don't all unicorns have a golden horn?

They don't recognize noble deeds and pass them by.

What does awe mean in paragraph 28?

amazement or admiration


What did the young unicorn offer the old woman

He offered the old woman some hairs from his tail.


Why does the Little Unicorn want a golden horn?

He wants a golden horn like HIs Majesty.


What are three noble deeds the Little Unicorn thinks he will do?

1. Save a princess

2.  pierce a fearsome monster with his horn

3.  kick dirt in the face of a fire-breathing dragon

Find an antonym for calm in paragraph 8.



How does the narrator's point of view influence how the events are described? 

A.  1st person allows the reader to understand the young unicorn's inner thoughts about why he wanted to earn a gold horn.

B.   1st person allows the reader to understand the young unicorn's excitement at how easy it was to earn a gold horn.

C. 3rd person allows the reader to understand the reasons why the family of the young unicorn wanted him to earn a gold horn.

D.  3rd person allows the reader to understand the actions and words of the young unicorn as he looked for ways to earn the golden horn.



Why did the Young Unicorn think he still had a white horn?

He didn't realize the deeds he had done were noble deeds.


He didn't realize his kind acts were considered noble deeds. 


Find a synonym for pursuing in paragraph 14.



How did the young unicorn change by the end of the passage?

A.  to be kind to others

B.  the meaning of friendship

C. the value of his actions

D. to have confidence in himself