What are two safe ways to enter the classroom?
Walk, don't run. Enter one at a time. Keep hands and feet to self.
What is an acceptable amount of time to spend in the bathroom?
5 to 10 minutes.
If the teacher or a peer is talking, what level voice should I be using?
Level 0 until they are done speaking.
True or False: If my school doesn't have a website blocked, then it is always okay for me to be on it.
False. Use school appropriate websites and only be on them during free time.
True or False: If I leave food behind such as crumbs, wrappers, remains on the table...I should wipe it up with a Clorox wipe.
True. Cleaning up after yourself is the polite and courteous thing to do.
What are two respectful ways to leave the classroom?
Ask permission. Wait to be dismissed. Leave at a level 0 voice.
A. Leave my area and go to the restroom.
B. Raise my hand to ask to use the restroom and exit at a level 0 voice once granted permission.
C. Yell across the room asking to use the restroom.
I am given a direction during whole group that I find a waste of my time. What do I do?
Follow the direction anyway as it respectful to the teacher and the responsible thing to do.
How can I keep my computer safe?
Pack it away when not in use. Avoid using it when eating.
If I have to fart or burp, what should I do? Choose the best answer.
A. Try to leave the area to do it such as the bathroom or in another area of the classroom.
B. Let them rip.
C. Be courteous and try to leave the area (bathroom or other area of the classroom) as it can gross others out or make others feel weird around you.
True or False: When arriving to the classroom, I hang up my things and have a seat at my desk until further instruction.
What are the procedures to correctly using the restroom?
Exit classroom with a level 0 voice.
Enter bathroom with a level 0 voice.
Use the restroom. Clean up any mess made on, in, or near the toilet.
Wash hands.
Return to classroom with a level 0 voice.
True or False: It is okay to not try my best on my assignments/assigned activities as long as I am doing them.
False. It is important to do your best as sometimes a teacher has no way to evaluate your understanding unless you do the work.
True or False: I should raise my hand to get teacher attention if I am having an issue with my computer.
True. Let us help you!
What is Amanda J's favorite subject?
True or False: I can leave crumbs and trash at my desk or draw on it....it's my desk.
False. Take care of your desk as it belongs to the classroom and will be used by future students.
True or False: If there is a mess in the restroom I should clean it up before I use it.
False. Let a teacher know before using the restroom if there is a prior mess. Teacher will clean it up. We don't want to blame you for leaving a mess if you didn't!
If I am annoyed with someone's action in the group, what can I do?
Take a deep breath. Politely ask the person to stop the annoying behavior. Try to use I messages - "I feel ____ when you do this because ______"
What can you do if you forget your computer?
Let a teacher know and we can provide you an alternative way to get your work done. Do your best to remember it everyday though.
If I am feeling really mad or angry with someone, what can I do?
Request a break in another room. Ask to use the restroom if you feel you can go safely. Remain as calm as possible and don't raise your voice.
True or False: If I don't agree with my teacher about a direction, I can just leave the classroom without permission. I have been told to walk away when I am upset.
False. It is true you should walk away and take a break when you are upset but leaving the classroom without teacher permission is unsafe and disrespectful.
Why should you clean up before leaving the restroom?
It is polite and courteous as other people use it after me.
What are two ways to be successful during group instruction?
Level 1-2 voice. Level 0 voice when someone else is speaking. Complete my work. Use kind words and tone. Use I messages if I have a conflict with another peer or the teacher.
When frustrated with your technology, what can you do?
A. Bang and hit your computer. Dumb thing!
B. Take a deep breath and raise your hand to let a teacher know you're frustrated. See if they can help you.
C. Demand the teacher help you NOW.
What is your favorite part of this school year so far? What is one thing you'd like to do before the school year ends?
Answers vary.