This place is the main setting for the show.
What is the Mystery Shack?
This god is Percy's father.
Who is Poseidon?
Snakes are this kind of animal.
What are reptiles?
This is your eldest sisters favorite color.
What is Yellow?
This Christian holiday is celebrates the birth of this baby boy, though historians believe that he was probably born in spring.
What is Christmas?
Stan is this kind of relation to Dipper and Mabel, but they shorten it to "Grunkel".
What is Great Uncle?
The Camp for Demigods is run by this centaur.
Who is Chiron?
This kind of fish is known for traveling upstream to spawn.
What are salmon?
This is your youngest sister's favorite food to recommend for dinner.
What is sushi?
This kind of plant is known for turning to face the sun, but when they can't find it they turn towards eachother.
What are sunflowers?
This demon with a coded last name makes deals with the main characters. "Just shake my hand!"
Who is Bill Cipher?
This woman is Percy's mother. Some would say the true god in his family tree.
Who is Sally Jackson?
Platypus do this under black light.
What is glow?
This is your eldest sister's favorite spooky season movie.
What is Halloween Town?
animals such as bees and butterflies help new plants grow by being this kind of creature.
What are pollinators?
This man impersonated his brother for 30 years. Once his brother returned it was a shock for everyone!
Who is Stanly Pines?
The Di Angelos went to this prep school.
What is Westover Hall?
Humans share a common ancestor with what type of animal?
What are Apes?
This is your eldest sister's favorite musical.
What is Epic?
The small town of Gravity Falls was founded by this man.
Who is Quintin Trembly.
The Sea of Monsters is based on the actual Greek Epic.
What is the Odyssey?
This type of animal has been taught this by their handlers.
What is sign language?
This is your youngest sister's favorite movie.
What is The Greatest Showman?
One of the first sightings of a unicorn is actually thought to have actually been this animal with one horn.
What is a goat?