Basics of Studying History
Geography & Religion
Ancient and Classic Civilizations
Renaissance, Reformation, Revolution and the Americas

Examples of this type of source would be sample letters from someone who lived through an event being discussed or a photograph of the event taking place

What is a primary source?


This region  was the birthplace of the 3 "Abrahamic" religions--Judaism, Christianity and Islam

What is the middle east


This series of trade routes crossed from Eastern China to Rome and allowed for many civilizations to exchange goods/ resources and ideas along the way.

What is the Silk Road?


The Columbian Exchange began in this year and could be described as what?

What are 1492 and the back and forth transport of people and goods between the Americas and Europe following the routes first used by Christopher Columbus


These are 2 interesting facts about Christopher Columbus

He was an Italian merchant/explorer who wanted to find an easier trade route to India so he reached out to several rules until he was able to convince Spain to fund his voyage in return for an agreement to get new lands for Spain to spread Catholicism to). He most likely died thinking he had landed in India  


These are the 2 most important factors in world history that help predict if a civilization will become powerful and successful

What are Geography and natural resources ?


This continent is the largest of the 7 contients on earth; 30% of all land is part of this continent including the 2 most populated countries.



This Empire that replaced the Byzantines became powerful in part, because of their control over major waters needed for trade routes including the Mediterranean Sea, The Red Sea and the Persian Gulf

Who were the Ottomans?


Of the 3 major modern revolutions we discussed (American, French and Haitan), which occurred FIRST in history?

What is the American (1776)?


Other than the destruction caused by disease spread, why were European colonists able to overtake indigenous populations in the Americas even though they were outnumbered?

The Europeans had superior military technology (horses, gunpowder etc) 


This century began in the year 1300 and ended in 1399. This "Classical era"  saw major events take place in Mali, China and Rome

14th century


It was on this continent that civilizations experienced the eras that became known as the Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment

What is Europe?


A Muslim ruler of the Classic Mali African Empire who is thought to be the richest person who ever lived and who, through his pilgrimages to Mecca, spread wealth and Islam throughout the middle east and northern Africa

Who is Mansa Musa?


The black death/bubonic plague brought changes to people living in Europe and Asia including

What are increased rights for peasants, population decline and weakened trust in the Catholic Church


The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440s changed the world by 

Making it possible to mass produce books/written word which allowed for people to easily spread ideas challenging government and the church and increased people's ability to organize and communicate efficiently including spreading Luther's protests against the Catholic church


This is one reason why it is important to review a combination of primary and secondary sources when trying to understand a time in history

Using both allows for multiple perspectives to reduce bias. Multiple types of sources also allow for better contextualon and corroboration of events and details 


It was across this ocean that the Columbian Exchange and slave "triangle trade" occurred between 1500-1800

What is the Atlantic Ocean?


This civilization that controlled vast areas of land in the middle east lasted until the 20th century and first came to power when they seized the major city of Constantinople and reclaimed it as their capital Istanbul. 

Who were the Ottomans?


This era in European history is defined by its rebirth/renewed appreciation of classic (Greek/Roman) styles that inspired learning and art focused on the individual

What is the Renaissance? 


Why did the Enlightenment Era lead to revolutions in Europe and the Americas?

The Enlightenment Era spread ideas about society and government rooted in human reason and ideas around rights and equality


When studying a civilization it is important to look for GRAPES. What would be one thing you remember to look for using the acronym GRAPES






Social structures


This body of water  was important to many ancient and classic civilizations like the Byzantines and later the Ottomans because of its ability to bring ships from Europe, Asia and Africa to the Atlantic Ocean

What is the Mediterranean Sea?


The Mali Empire and Mansa Musa are important in world history because

(1) Key figure in spread of Islam

(2) Spread wealth throughout region

(3) Example of African socities thriving while European societies seemed stalled and struggling


This famous scientist was an important figure in the scientific revolution because he challenged the church's teachings about the galaxy and he claimed that in fact the sun was the center of the universe and the earth revolved around it

Who is Copernicus? 


Marco Polo's trade journeys helped connect which 2 continents in trade?

What are Europe and Asia?


This form of government is characterized by a society ruled by Kings and Queens who have ultimate power that is given to them by god and passed down through inheritance. 

What is a Monarchy?


Major religions spread to other areas throughout history primarily through:

What are Trade, exploration or conquest?


This country became isolationist after explorer Zeng Ha was criticized for wasting money on travels. The ruling dynasty's focus on isolation from the rest of the world slowed this country's economic development and growth until the 20th century

What is China?


This revolution was a change in thinking across Europe where people began using observation, experimentation and applied mathematics to understand and explain the natural world

What was the Scientific Revolution?


This nickname for the Chinese city of Beijing reflects the isolation and secrecy that China kept from the rest of the world for centuries after the Ming Dynasty came into power

What is the forbidden city?


What was the "agrarian revolution"?

The era in early human history when people moved from hunting/gathering to staying in one place and relying on farming and agriculture for food

These are some of the main purposes/roles that religion have served in societies throughout history:

What are: provide common set of values and traditions, define roles and social structures and organize communities?


Which foreign civilization  were the only ones to successfully seize power over China?

The Mongols


The American Revolution and this revolution were important in history because they were expressions of enlightenment ideas and their success encouraged other nations like Haiti to seek rights and independence

What is French? 


How did the "chattel" slavery adopted by European Empires from 1600-1800 differ from all earlier forms of slavery

Slaves were not captured through warfare or debt. Once someone was enslaved they had not ability to earn freedom and slaves were not seen as humans but as animals


What is one reason why farming may be MORE dangerous than hunting and gathering

If your crops fail one year, you starve


This athestic (no god or gods) religion started in India and through trade spread to areas in China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam and Thailand where it still is practiced widely today

What is Buddhism?


What event was the final straw ending the  Democratic Roman Republic and turning that area into an Empire ruled by a dictator

The assassination of Cesar


The Tennis Court Oath, the storming of the Bastille and the Reign of Terror against aristocrats all occurred during which event in history?

What is the French Revolution?


Which luxury  crop was the primary industry in Haiti and was worked by millions of enslaved persons kidnapped from Africa?

What is sugar?