Physical Room Description
Cooperating Teacher
Student With Special Needs

True or false: I had my clinical experience in a 3rd grade classroom at Hugh Dingess Grade School.

What is true?

One word to describe a teacher who yells and belittles students.

What is mean?


Something not worn (that is supposed to be) by most children.

What is masks or shoes?


Important documentation for the student that the teacher has no clue about.

What is his I.E.P.?

A word (beginning with "c") that describes many classrooms that are bursting at the seams.

What is cluttered?


Parents are calling her administration and the BOE. One parent made a nasty post about her on FaceBook, so she decided to do this.

What is sue them?


The students in her class have not had a regular school year since this grade.

What is Kindergarten?


Who sits in the only desk by itself and not with other students?

What is the student with an exceptionality?


The student desks were formed in this shape.

What is a horseshoe or semicircle?


Drama between the teacher and the students' parents is ongoing. True or false: She does not discuss this with her students.

What is false?


How many times I was hugged daily.

What is 481,207 times?

A good portion of my time with this student was spent working on this. (Hint: when not on his medication, this student cannot get any work done due to inability to sit down and stay quiet)

What is staying on task?


The teacher's desk is in either the front or the back of the classroom.

What is the back?


I was with this teacher for my math clinical, as well. When I taught my math lesson, she had me introduce this topic to her students.

What is division?


True or false: the students were confident in themselves and their abilities.

What is false?


A large bruise was discovered on his upper arm caused by his father (according to him). This is not the first time. The parents are known to be abusive and neglectful, especially when it comes to selling his medication rather than administering it. This service was called.

What is C.P.S.?


Most students tend to work on this surface.

What is the floor?

Starting with "D," the students are constantly told that she is _____ in them.

What is disappointed?


What I believe to be the cause of students' "misbehavior." (Hint: Dr. Lucas teaching a course about this)

What is lack of classroom mangagement?


True or false: this student was treated as an equal peer and a friend by his classmates.

What is true?