what is is my moms name?
who is Nikki
What is my Dads name?
Who is Mikey?
What is my brothers and sister Names?
who is Lane, Dakota,Bralynn,Cayson?
What does one of My brother like to do
what is a derby?
what is my dogs name?
what and who is there names are bluey and bingo
what does me and my mom like to do together?
Having a girls day!
What does my Dad to do together?
go to Derbys Together.
what do me and my little siblings like to to together?
what is play together
what does my oldest brother like to do?
what is complan!
do my puppies like to get in the trash?
how old is my mom
What is 32.
how old is my Dad
What is 41.
how old is my little brother and sister
what is my brother is 1 and my sister is 7
how old is my older brothers
who is that lane is 16 and Dakota is 20
are my dogs red healers
YES! you got it
when was my mom born the month.
what is feb.28th
when was my Dad born month
what is march 14th
can my brothers drive together
what is NO they would fight to much!
what are my sidings favorite show
bluey for my brother and superkittes for my sister
are my dogs loud in the mornings
what is YES
how many kids does my mom have
what is 5
what colors do you think my dad derby car colors are
what is black and blue
do my siblings have there own room
What is YES
are my brothers mean somtimes
what is YES!
are my dogs mean when they play?
what is YES