Who is the narrator?
Who is the youngest child?
What happens when Irene throws the flower bouquet and Toni catches it?
Toni runs off and tells her mother she is going to be a nun and that Irene has to throw the bouquet again.
What does Memo change his name to?
Who was bossy and became a nun?
Antonia - Toni
Who did Jimmy grow up to be like?
How does Isabel die?
Who raised Carlitos while Jimmy was in jail?
Maria and José.
What was the name of the character who got shot?
What child created a new life for himself and went to law school?
When Chucho and Maria were going back to California, what did they have to cross?
Maria had to cross the river, which was very dangerous, with baby Chucho.
What vegetable did the family grow in the backyard?
Who marries Isabel so she could stay in the country?
Who got Jimmy to Marry Isabel?
Why did Jimmy go to jail?
He got mad after Isabel died and then he burglarized a store.
What did Maria work as in the Anglo neighborhood?
A nanny
How long did it take José to get to California?
Who studied a lot of a kid?
Who Toni comes home, what does she announce?
She says that she is no longer a nun and is she is married.
What did the owl symbolize?
How Chuchos life would be held on by fate from the time he was born to the time he died.