Who's backdrop to Zoom meetings sported a Red High heel shoe:
Majority of team prefer Popcorn for movie night, what would be 1 of 3 other movie treats
Goobers, nachos and peanut M&Ms
Call Sign Bunkie had a snoopy slushy maker for Christmas, is mom of the year and wants to learn the harmonica.
How many years experience as a team do we have 183.7 5 199.25 192.25 W/I 5 years.
Call sign Terminator was the first to return their questionaire, has ice cream as both comfort food and midnight snack.
Mr Smith
What is the average age of car ddriven by team members w/I 3 years
"Baby step your @$$ in to the bus, Bob," from What about Bob, Lasagna is comfort food, and Call Sign is Magpie.
Who is HUGO??
Megans pet frog
4 teammates identify with an animated characters name 2 of the 4. Elastigirl from incredibles, toothless from How to Train a Dragon, Kyle from Southpark, and Pumba
Which team star was christmas gifted with an engagement ring, has chili rellanos as their comfort food and spent her honeymoon in MEXICO
GR8SK8 is Matts call sign, who is REBEL??
Chris J's Honeymoon was in Moab, what is his comphort food, and for an extra 5 pts, what's his Top Gun Call Sign
2 people have a dog named Lily
Myrna and Sabrina
The honeymoon was in Isla mujeres, call sign Rebel, Jackie Robinson is fav baseball player and if you need a clue, is taking an Iphone to Survivor.
Which team mate does IPA tester as a hobbie, hibernating as a winter past time? Clue is movie time go to is Peanut M&Ms
Chris Hansen
Who is taking matches to survior, was born in amarillo and wants to skydive
This team member identifies with Pumba, favorite team is the packers, and their comfort food is french Fries
Call sign Twinkie wants to run a marathon and is taking Peanut butter with her to Survivor.
"I'll be your huckleberry," is the favorite movie quote of 2 team members, who are they 1's call sign is Mozey
Myrna and Billee
My favoitie toy was a grey stuffed Rhino, I want to go to Space, Carlito is my call sign I identify with Kyle from South Park
Who's bucket list is living in the Swiss Alps, they spent their honeymoon on an Alaskan cruise (your clue is Ron Santo is the favorite baseball player)
This team member was born in Denver, loved her barbies, and in Winter wants to snuggle into a blankie w/ hot chocolate. "There's no place like home" is her favorite movie quote and way of life.
Which Team does not have someone from the Event Committee ?
And which Team does not have a Leader??
Go Mustangs
None... There's a Leader in each of you.
Mallory and Kyle got somewhat practical gifts as their favorite Christmas gift. Which gift is Mallory's and which gift is Kyles : An Electric Scooter, a Mattress, Disneyland trip or a Dooney and Bourke Purse
Electric scooter and Mattress
My brother was my favorite toy because it was before toys were invented, ya gotta love the 75-76 Reds and Johnny Bench, beef stew is my comfort food. I have thoughly enjoyed this peek into each of your lives. my call sign is Mozey, what's YOURS.
everyones call sign works