A female sibling
Une sœur
You use this to write with
Un stylo
Un crayon
Means "to eat lunch"
This is how you'd ask someone how they're doing
Ça va ?
Comment ça va ?
Comment allez-vous ?
Comment vas-tu ?
The first month of the year
A male parent
Un père
For online classes, you need this for things like Zoom, HuskyCT, and other virtual tasks
Un ordinateur
Means "to study"
An informal way to say hello
Salut !
The two days that this class meets
Mardi et jeudi
Your father's sister
Une tante
This is where you put your school supplies to carry them around
Un sac à dos
Means "to stay"
This means "hello" and is used during the evening
The two days of the weekend
Samedi et dimanche
Your son's son
Un petit-fils
In this class, we have this due every week, usually on Sundays
Des devoirs
Means "to eat"
An informal way to say goodbye
Ciao !
Typically the warmest months of the year
Juillet et août
Your spouse's mother
Une belle-mère
To take notes by hand, you'll need a pen and one of these
Une feuille de papier
Un cahier
Means "to work"
Means "see you soon!"
À bientôt !
The month that Labor Day (La Fête du travail) takes places in France