how to connect
playstation store
how to sign up
wifi problems
online games
what do you do to connect your ps3 to the internet
you go go to your wifi settings@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\
how to search for demos
go to the ps3 store and simply go to games then go to demos
how to sign up for psn?
simple you go to the icon accept the contracts and then you do all your acount info.
what to o if your wifi is not letting you sign into playstation network ?
simple you simply unplug your router for 10 seconds and then plug backin and then go to your wifi settings and do a internet test.
how na you tell if a game has a online content?
What is the case on the back its going to have a play styation network icon on it and its going to tell you on the comercial !!!!
how to put your wifi on to where you can see your wifi then put in the code?
What is you go to wifi settings and then you go to costomthen you go to scan and than you see your router from others and clic k yours then you press it and you put your code in from there.
how to purchase games?
What is you go to gamestop and you buy a psn card the you go to your acount management and then you go to add funds and put the code rom the psn card you scratched off and then you have money in your accoubnt and then start buying games and maps and stuff.
how to do all that dns stuff on it?
What is dont worry about it just skip them.
how to enable your ps3 to get acess to google and basic stuff
What is just go to your internet setting and then you go under the internet settings and its going to say do you want to enable your playstation to internet access press enable.
how to do a internet test and kno your internet is working
What is first its going to sign you out of psn and then when you see your internet enable psn and internet its going to say sucess so so worries.