The leader of North Vietnam during most of the Vietnam War
Ho Chi Minh
What is the exact date that the My Lai massacre took place?
March 16, 1968.
What was Hugh Thompson’s role in Charlie Company? His actual job.
Helicopter pilot.
Who was the superior ranking officer:
Calley or Medina?
Calley's excuse was that he was following Medina's orders.
President Kennedy was assassinated in which year?
Which two countries colonised Vietnam before the Vietnam War began?
France & Japan.
How many people were murdered during the My Lai massacre?
504 people is the currently agreed upon number of people that were murdered.
True or false: 'The Ballad of Lt. William Calley' is a song critical of his and Charlie Company's actions at My Lai.
False! The song was very pro-Charlie Company.
What rank was William Calley at the time of the massacre?
Second Lieutenant
(Lieutenant also acceptable)
What is President Johnson’s full name?
(Hint: the initials are LBJ)
Lyndon Baines Johnson.
What was the 1964 fictitious event that caused America to formally enter the Vietnam War?
The Gulf of Tonkin incident.
Who was the general that headed the investigation into the My Lai massacre?
Lt. General William Peers.
How many members of Charlie Company were found guilty for their actions at My Lai?
Just one.
Lieutenant Calley.
How many days did Calley serve in prison before Nixon turned his sentence into house arrest?
Two days.
Who was Ngo Dinh Diem?
Name the intended purpose of Agent Orange, and two of the issues resulting from its usage in Vietnam.
Agent Orange was a chemical/herbicide that was intended to clear jungles of plant life, in order to root out the Viet Cong.
Some issues from Agent Orange:
Birth defects
Plant life unable to grow back
Environment still toxic
Which province of South Vietnam was My Lai located in? It begins with Q.
Quang Ngai.
What was the name of the documentary we watched that interviewed members of Charlie Company?
Four Hours at My Lai.
When Calley was prosecuted for war crimes, what is the specific type of military trial he was subjected to?
Calley was subjected to a ‘court martial’, the military equivalent of a trial.
Who was Richard Nixon's 'right hand man' when making his Vietnam War policy?
Henry Kissinger.
When did the Vietnam War finally end?
1975, after the North took over Saigon, South Vietnam's capital city.
How many people were ultimately recommended for punishment by the Peers Inquiry? Give at least one reason why, not to do with directly killing people themselves.
34 people.
Many of the people charged were involved in the cover up of the My Lai massacre.
What event two days before the massacre motivated Charlie Company’s attack of My Lai?
A popular seargeant within Charlie Company is killed by a booby trap, with two other soldiers injured.
What crime was Calley charged with, and how many counts was he charged with?
22 counts of premeditated murder.
Nixon officially pulled American troops out of Vietnam in what year?