
This is the age I first experienced joy



This is the age I first experienced sadness 



This is the age I first experienced embarrassment 



This is the age I first experienced anger



This is the age i first experienced fear



Growing up I always found playing video games super fun, Sometimes I played too much, why?

Because it made me happy and I enjoyed feeling away from the real world. 


I had a pet fish when i was kid, but one day it was floating up side down and I became sad, why was I sad?

the fish died, and this was first time I learned about death. 


One time playing football, I was the receiver and I got passed the ball on the last play but dropped it, why did I feel so embarrassed?

Because I wanted to win but I dropped the ball. 


I love playing competitive video games like Rainbow Six Siege, but sometimes I would throw my controller, why?

Because I would rage and it would make me angry at the game.


One time I played VR five nights at freddys which is a horror game, and there was a jump scare that scared me so much I never played again, why?

Because I feared getting scared again. 


I loved watching movies and my favorite was super hero movies. What was my favorite movie growing up as a kid?



One time got in trouble and my mom grounded me and took away my video games, why was I sad?

Because i loved playing video games.


One time I was playing 2v2 in basketball and had bet money, I lost by one point and I was so angry, why?

Because I lost a lot of money and I had a slight ego thinking we could have easily won the game. 


I was watching a horror movie called IT that scared me so much I would never watch a movie with clowns again, why?

I fear clowns and it gave me nightmares that I don't want ever again.


I love playing the sport basketball, what's the true reason why basketball makes me happy?

it's one of my escapes from reality and working hard and improving on my skills feels rewarding and makes me happy. 


During my seanor year of highschool i ran track and field and I really wanted to go to college for track but I didn't meet the requirements of going because I got injured which ruined my chances of going, why did I just give up?

I gave up because i let it get to my head which made me sad, and after recovery I didn't even try hard enough to get what I wanted. Because I got lazy. 


I have a caring loving girlfriend that I love and I hope to be with for the rest of my life, what would I do If I were to ever lose her?

I'm scared to lose her and i don't know how much its going to hurt but I fear losing her and scared to be alone.


After the COVID pandemic, I felt like I needed to find joy in my life. What was one of the first things I started to do after the Covid pandemic that made me happy? 



During the COVID pandemic i started to drift away with my close friends, why did this make me so sad?

I dewlled on the fact that i might not ever get close with my friends ever again this made me extremely sad because it made me feel more lonely. 


After the COIVD pandemic my close friends no longer reached out and at school acted as if they didn't know me, why did this make me so angry towards my friends?

At this time i flet like we just were being distanced because of isolation but I learned that my fri=ends were fake and cold hearted because they acted like they didn't even know me and that hurt, and it built anger inside of me. 


My grandpa is one of my family members with the most impact on my life because he is like my father figure and I look up to him, and I know that have to spend as much time with him before he goes, why is this scary to me?

I fear that I might not spend enough time with him before he passes away, and I fear I would feel regretful.