The hilarious pink pony with the element of laughter.
Pinkie Pie
The purple pony that has a special talent in magic.
Twilight Sparkle
The villain for the first 2 episodes but is turned good because of the elements of harmony.
Nightmare Moon
Flutter Shy's pet.
A squad of Pegasus ponies that do acrobatics. Rainbow Dash also dreams of becoming one.
The Wonderbolts
The trustful ranch pony that never tells a lie.
Apple Jack
The fast speed flying pony that is totally awesome, radical, and cool.
Rainbow Dash
The queen of the changelings, who gains energy by being loved.
Queen Chrysalis
Pinkie Pie's pet.
The major representative of the fashion world from Canterlot.
Hoity Toity
The quiet shy pony that is easily scared but is very good with animals.
Flutter Shy
The white pony that is good when it comes to fashion and loves all gems and jewels.
The spirit of chaos and is featured on the hub's Naughty or Nice promos. he also turns nice in one of the episodes.
Rarity's pet.
A major photographer in Equestria and appears in the episode "Green isn't your color."
Photo Finish
The princess in Equestria that gets letters about friendship from the main 6 ponies.
Princess Celestia
The sister of Princess Celestia and was evil in the first 2 episodes of the show.
Princess Luna
A old friend of Rainbow Dash that threatens everypony to stay away from Rainbow Dash, so that she can hangout with Rainbow Dash alone. She is also a griffon.
Twilight Sparkle's pet.
A famous pony pop star addressed by Rarity as the "Pony of Pop."
Sapphire Shores
The clumsy derped pony that is usually seen in the back round.
Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo
She is a famous singer in Equestria. She is friends with AJ.
Rara/countess coleratora
They steal Rarity to make her help find diamonds and gems for them but are easily tricked by Rarity.
The Diamond Dogs
Rainbow Dash's pet.
He is a high class pony that gets interested in Rarity because she is staying in Princess Celestia's castle, and because of Twilight's half finished dress Rarity made.