This is 106,567 Rounded to the nearest thousand
what is 7,000?
This is what P stands for
what is parenthesis?
This is the answer to, "John has 6 shelves. each shelf has 3 books in it. How much books John has in all?"
what is 18?
This is the answer to 15 divided by 3 =
What is 5?
This is the fraction of 3
what is 3 fourths?
This is the The digit in each midpoint
what is the digit 5?
This is the answer to 5 x (14 + 58)
what is 72?
This is the answer to 5 groups of 8
What is 40?
This is the answer to 18 splits into 8's
what is 2?
This is the fraction of 16
what is 16 fourths?
This is 68,253 rounded to the nearest ten thousand
what is 70,000?
this is what M and D stand for
What is Multiplication and division?
This is the answer to 15 x 6
What is 90?
This is the answer to, " Jon has 12 Memes. He splits his is memes by 3 to his friends. How much friends do he has?"
what is 4?
This is the fraction of 5 sixths
what is 5/6?
This is the best estimate for 45,766 + 98,777 = _____
what is 50,000 + 100,000 = ______?
This is the answer to 8 + 5 x 3
what is 23?
This is the answer to 30 groups of 2
what is 60?
This is the answer to 20 divided by 2
what is 10?
This is the answer to, "Is 3/2 more than 1 whole?"
what is the answer, "yes?"
This is 1,657,452 rounded to the nearest million
what is 2,000,000?
This is the Entire P.E.M.D.A.S Formula
what is parenthesis, exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction?
This is the answer to, "is 7 x 7 equivalent to 3 x 17?"
what is, "no it's not because 3 x 17 is 51 and 7 x 7 is 49. So 7 x 7 and 3 x 17 isn't equivalent?"
This is the answer to, "Is 30/2 equivalent to 3 x 5?"
what is, "yes because they both equal 15?"
This is the answer to 1/2 _ 2/4
What is =?