This is a fruit that is high in vitamin C and often eaten in slices
An orange
This green vegetable is commonly found in salads and is a good source of fiber.
is lettuce
This food is a great source of protein and comes from animals.
is chicken
This is a common breakfast food made from oats, and it’s often topped with fruits and nuts.
is oatmeal
A red, juicy fruit that is often used to make smoothies.
a strawberry
This vegetable is orange in color and helps improve vision.
is a carrot
This food comes from cows and is a great source of protein, often used for breakfast.
is an egg
This grain is often used to make bread and pasta.
is wheat
This yellow fruit is a great source of potassium and is often eaten as a snack
a banana
This vegetable comes in clusters and is great for your bones, as it’s rich in calcium.
is broccoli
A plant-based protein often used in vegetarian dishes
is tofu
This whole grain is used to make rice and is often served with dinner
brown rice
This fruit is known for being a source of antioxidants and comes in a variety of colors like red, green, and purple.
a grape
A leafy green vegetable often used in smoothies that is packed with vitamins and minerals.
is spinach
This food comes from the ocean and is rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and is often eaten in sushi.
is fish
This grain comes in a variety of colors and is often used for making pancakes
is cornmeal