Haouli la hanau ia oi, in English
What is happy birthday
Name the part of the water cycle where water comes down from the clouds
What is precipitation
Red in Hawaiian
What is ula ula
Name the sphere that we live on
What is the biosphere
Dog in hawaiian
What is ilio
Wai in English
What is freshwater
Name the part of the water cycle where clouds are created
What is condensation
Orange in Hawaiian
What is alani
Name the sphere that is the ground
What is the geosphere
Bird in Hawaiian
What is manu
Kai in English
What is saltwater
Name the part of the water cycle where water turns into water vapor
What is evaporation
Yellow in Hawaiian
What is mele mele
Name the sphere that supplies water
What is the hydrosphere
I’a in english
What is fish
Cloud in English
What is opua
Name the part of the water cycle where excess water is evaporated
What is transpiration
Blue in Hawaiian
What is polu
Name the sphere that has multiple layers and supplies air
What is the atmosphere
Cat in hawaiian
Hooray in hawaiian
What is hooray
Name the part of the water cycle where water soaks into the ground/soil
What is infiltration
Black in Hawaiian
What is ele ele
Which sphere does mars have
What is the atmosphere and the geosphere
what is my Hawaiian middle name
What is hi’ilei