where is the cordillera region located
the cordillera region is located in bc/British Colombia near vancouver
where is the plains located
between the Canadian Shield on the east and the mountains of the Cordillera on the west.
where is the Canadian shield located
As the picture shows and name implies, the Canadian shield is mostly in Canada. From the Labrador coast on the east, the shield covers most of Quebec and extends into Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and the Arctic Archipelago.
where is the arctic and Atlantic located
it is located in the north of the Canadian shield a the plains
where are the great lakes,st.lawrence lowlands and nationally parks
The Great Lakes–St. Lawrence region comprises the peninsula of southern Ontario bounded by the Canadian Shield and Lakes Huron, Erie, and Ontario. It extends along the St. Lawrence River to the Atlantic Ocean.
what is the cordillera region known for
the cordillera region is known for its farms and wheats and its wild life and it touristy
what is the plains region known for
ranching and farming
what is the Canadian sheild known for
The Canadian Shield's most notable physical features are thousands of small lakes, thin layers of soil and rolling hills. Lakes are largely the result of glacial erosion during the last ice age.
what is the artic and Atlantic known for
he Arctic is a region of extremes: extreme cold, extreme seasonal changes in daylight, and extreme winds. It sits at the top of world, covered in sea ice—a seemingly unwelcome place for life.
what is the great lakes,st.lawrence lowlands and nationally parks known for
Known as the "Industrial Heartland" of Canada, its climate, soil and location make it ideal for industry, tourism, and agriculture. Water plays an important role in the region. The St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes have been important transportation routes for thousands of years and for it"s beautiful nature tourism.
what is the wild life in the cordillera region
in the cordellera region the wild life is black bear,grizzly bear,wolfs,lynx,bobcat and there are some cougars
what is the wild life in Alberta
pronghorn, coyotes, grouse, badgers, fox, bull trout, falcons and more.
what is the Canadian shields wildlife
In addition to fish, lakes are often spotted with a mix of waterfowl including wood ducks, Canada geese and American black ducks. Other birds include boreal owls , great horned owls, blue jays and white-throated sparrows, while mammals include caribou, deer, wolves, lynx, moose, black bears and beavers .
what is the artic and Atlantic wildlife
Witness wolves, arctic foxes, beavers, pine marten and numerous bird species as you traverse the icy terrain. The Arctic waters are home to a variety of whale species, including belugas, bowheads and the fantastical-looking narwhals, the 'unicorns of the sea'.
what is the wild life in The great lakes,st.lawrence lowlands and nationally parks
There are about 3,500 species of animals and plants in the Lowlands. Characteristic wildlife includes the black bear, grey wolf, coyote, beaver, snowshoe hare, white-tailed deer, lynx, moose, and otter. Birds include waterfowl, warblers, blue birds, red-winged black birds, eagles, and hawks.
what are the vegetation in the cordillera region
the vegetation is usually beat,warley,and threes
what is the vegetation in the plains
Some of the species of tall grasses include big bluestem, switchgrass and Indian grass. In drier areas in the west, there's blue grama and buffalo grass, which is much shorter but better at retaining moisture. Much of this vegetation in the Interior Plains provides food for cows and other grazing animals.
what is the vegetation in the canadian shield region
Lichens and ferns are common ground cover growing over rocks and on deadfall, with some jack pine uplands in addition to aspen trees and black spruce bogs. Common understory species include Bearberry, Common Blueberry, Bog cranberry and Labrador Tea.
what is the vegetation in the arctic and the atlantic
Approximately 1,700 species of plants live on the Arctic tundra, including flowering plants, dwarf shrubs, herbs, grasses, mosses, and lichens. The tundra is characterized by permafrost, a layer of soil and partially decomposed organic matter that is frozen year-round.
what is the vegetation in the great lakes,st.lawrence lowlands and nationally parks
The vegetation is characterized by mixedwood forests dominated by maple (Acer saccharum), yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis), eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) and American beech (Fagus grandifolia).
what are the top 3 natural disasters in the cordillera region
The natural disaster in the cordillera region is 1:molten lava 2:stone volcano eruptions 3:British Columbia spewing poisonous gas
what are the top 3 natural disasters in the plains
1 floods,2 droughts,3 severe storms
what are the national disasters in the Canadian shield region
Earthquakes, freezing rain, blizzards and tornadoes
what are the national disasters in the arctic and atlantic
he presence of ice leads to spring river flooding and dynamics of coastal erosion not present in warmer climates. Vast boreal forests are subject to wildfires that are huge pollution events and a positive feedback to climate change through production of CO2, other gases, and black carbon.
what are the national disasters in the great lakes,st.lawrence lowlands and nationally parks
Great Lakes communities experience a wide range of natural hazards that include flooding from upland runoff, high and low lake levels, severe storms, storm waves and storm surge, shoreline erosion, ice heaves, landslides, and rare, large edge waves (seiches) usually associated with low-pressure systems or cold fronts and Landslides occur in all regions but are most damaging in the mountainous regions of British Columbia and Alberta, in the St. Lawrence Lowlands of Québec and Ontario, as well as Newfoundland and Labrador.