Classroom - Group
Classroom - Solo
Home & Family
Gym Time

Situation: Your teacher is telling a story about a dog. The dog sounds just like yours and you want to share a story about your dog. What do you do?



Situation: The room seems really loud and the lights feel too bright. You are finding it hard to concentrate on your work. What do you do?



Situation: It's time to do your chores and clean your room. But you would rather play video games. How do you keep yourself focused?



Situation: In gym class, the teacher is having a relay race. You know you are the fastest and so you want to be first. But the teacher says that you will go in order of height. Which means you will have to go third. What do you do?

Smart Thinking!


Situation: Your teacher is teaching a math lesson and puts a question on the board. Then your teacher asks if anyone has the answer to the question. What do you do?

Good Job!


Situation: You are working on a reading assignment in class. You come across a word that you don't know. What do you do?

Great Idea!


Situation: You have finished your chores and now you get to play your video game. However, your older brother is already playing a game. What do you do?

Nice Answer!


Situation: Your teacher is explaining the rules of the game to the class. But there is a basketball rolling on the floor. What do you do?

Good Job!


Situation: It's time for show and tell. You want to go first, but your teacher chooses another student. What do you do?

Well Done!


Situation: You are working at your desk writing a story, but you can't seem to focus. Your thoughts are going too fast. What do you do?




Situation: Aliens have landed on the playground at recess. They look really friendly as they approach you. They want to know what your favorite game is. What do you tell them?



Daily Double!

Situation: You are starting to feel a little overwhelmed. And you can feel yourself getting angry because no one it paying attention to you. What can you do?

Smart Thinking!


Situation: You are working on a group activity with two of your classmates. One of them decides to colour on the desk. You know this is breaking the rules. What do you do?

That's a good start!


Situation: You are working on some difficult math problems and you come across a question that you can't seem to figure out. The teacher is busy and cannot help you right at this moment. What do you do?

Well Done!


Situation: You are playing in the backyard when your mom comes home from the grocery store. She calls to you to ask you to stop playing and help her bring the groceries from the car into the house. You feel upset because you don't want to stop playing. What do you do?

This is a good start!


Situation: It's free time in the gym. You want to play basketball, but your friends want to play soccer. What do you do?



Situation: It's time for science. You love this subject. You are working on the activity and you notice your friend is having a hard time. What do you do?

Very Nice!


Daily Double

Situation: You see your friend sitting off to the side of the yard when you are at recess. They look sad and they are not talking to anyone. What do you do?

That is a great plan!


Situation: It's time to do your homework. You have some math and some reading. And a fun drawing activity to complete. What do you do to keep focused?

Well thought out!



What are three words you can use to remind yourself to pause before speaking out loud or doing something you should not do?
