What is the name of the 4th boss in Pizza Tower
Fake Peppino
What game is the mini boss "C. round" from
How much Sun does it take to place a twin sunflower in Plants vs Zombies
200 sun
What is the name of the Roblox game Martin would try to get hit by cars in
Raise a Peter
What is the name of the monster that goes "bom, bom bom" in My Singing Monsters
What is the name of the main robot in Ultrakill
How much health does a demoman have with the wee booties on in TF2
Who created Steam/Valve
Gabe Newall
What does the green clothed villager sell in Minecraft
What is the name of the second prime soul in Ultrakill
Sisiphus Prime
How many songs are in the ost for Undertale
What is the name of the Prime Soul who says "Judgement!" in Ultrakill
Minos Prime
What is the name of the long armed, blind enemy in "Little Nightmares"
The Janitor
What is the callout for the small flesh ball in M.E.G
Roly Poly
How many classes are in TF2 (all non seasonal game modes)
What is the noise's full name in pizza tower
Theador Noise
What does the yellow tile do in the tile puzzle in Undertale (can score an additional 100 points if you give the second thing it does)
It electrocutes you if you stand on it and electrocutes you if you are on a blue tile next to a yellow tile
What does the joker "Even Steven" do in Balatro
Gives + 4 mult
Has Fortnight crossed over with the Simpsons
What is sniper tf2's real name
Mick Mundy
How much does a Company Cruiser in Lethal Company
400 credits
What is the max number of Old Birds that can spawn in Lethal Company
What Wario-Ware like game did I support on Kickstarter
Mind Wave
Who does my little brother main in Super Smash Bros Ultimate