The main protagonist of Spelunky 2
Ana Spelunky
The largest forest in the world
What is the Amazon?
The name of a "scam" that Caleb runned which involved renaming string.
What is Lucky String?
The number of syllables in Jeopardy
what is 3?
Caleb's 2 cats
What are Shcreoder and Link?
the first Spelunky game
What is Spelunky Classic?
The second president of the United States
who is John Adams?
The original purpose of the Panera building
What is Ashlynn's house?
The way I keep misspelling Jeopardy
What is Jeapordy?
Caleb's middle name
what is Alan?
Amount of Kali points needed for a Kapula
what is 16?
The largest desert in the world
what is Antarctica?
The shape that Caleb's iron shop was in
What is a crane?
Jeopardy host who recently passed away
Who is Alex Trebek?
Caleb's favorite color
What is Yellow?
Spelunky HD's year of release
what is 2008?
The year of the moon landing
What is a sphere?
The new host of Jearpody
Who is Mike Richards?
Caleb's mother's occupation
The enemy with the most health in Spelunky HD
The ghost
The year the USSR was founded
what is 1922?
This maze constructed into the side of a mountain was based around this thing
What is Trader Joes?
The year Jeopardy was created
What is 1964?
Caleb's favorite animal
What is a shoebill stork?