What sparked the 8-8-88 demonstrations
argument in a tea shop
the police came and killed someone. Students started protesting, all 41 of them were arrested and put in a police van where they were left and suffocated to death
What were the two main causes of the revolution
Spike in fuel prices
Beating up of Monks
What was Ne Win’s favorite number
Why did people join the military
Poverty (rural areas)
Forcible conception in rural and minority
Ethnic minority kids
Parents pushing kids to join for protection and access to parallel social benefits
What were 2 nonviolent tactics used against the military regime
Symbolic resistance: wearing ribbons and 3 finger salutes
Silent strikes (stayaways)
Pot banging
Media usage (broadcasting, communication/organization, pressuring international forces to impose sanctions)
Economic resistanceAlliances with minorities and ethnic groups
Special networking
Rise of nationalism
Leaderless mass mobilization
Institutional resisters.
What were the underlying causes of the 8-8-88 demonstrations
nationalization of everything
hyperinflation, food crisis
anger at the regime of demonetization
lack of political rights
international humiliation
Who led the demonstration
What does SLORC stand for
State Law Order Restoration Committee
What event sparked as a result of the military abusing their power
What were 2 violent tactics used against the military regime
Armed insurrection
Military training for urban and rural societies and for different ethnic groups
Blowing up government convoys and buildings
Assassinations of various officials.
Drive by shootings of soldiers and police
What was the coalition in the demonstrations
activists and students from high schools and universities
What was the significance of students in the revolution
joined the Monks and led the demonstrations when the monks quit
Ne Win had many political reforms during his reign. Name one.
Gets rid of parliament
eliminates civil service and replaces them with military officers
eliminates NGOs
eliminates free press leading to censorship
private schools nationalized
trade unions outlawed
closes universities for a month when students protested
What causes the military to claim fraud on the election
NLD gets 83% of the vote and makes the military feel threatened
How were these protests and demonstrations different from the previous ones in regards to size
These protests were much bigger with tactics of concentration
Who was the president of Myanmar during this time
Ne Win
What was the coalition in the demonstrations
Monks, Students, activists, and urbanized people living in the cities
There are many reasons why students lead the movements for change in Myanmar. Name one.
Campuses are one of the only places you can congregate freely
More educated
Want to change the world for them and their children.
People come to college from all over the country (and when it shuts down they go home and talk about it)
Ability to interact and be educated while in jail
What was the reaction of the youth when the military took over the government
The youth were not scared because they had been shown a different version of society and did not want to go back to the old ways
Name 3 groups involved in the coalition
Armed ethnic groups
opponents of military rule
military defectors
middle class
poor people